Collaborating Institutes Abroad
- Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, 2 Pei-Ning Road, Keelung 20224, Taiwan. (Prof. Zwe-Ling Kong )
- Macromolecular Science & Engineering Research Centre, Laval University, Quebec, Canada GIK7P4. (Prof. Prud ’homme)
- Kunststoffee/Verbundwerkstoffe, TU Hamburg-Harburg, AB 5-09, Denickestrabe 15, D-21073 Hamburg, Germany (Prof. V. Alstädt)
- Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Polymerchemiie, Strabe der Nationen 62, 0911 Chemnitz, Germany (Prof. Steffan Spange)
- Directeur de ENSCCF, 24 avenue des Lais, BP - 187 - 63174 Aubiere, Cedex, France (Prof. Jacques Lacoste)
- Laboratory of Macromolecular Structure Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Katholieke University of Levuen, Belgium (Prof. Gabriel Groninckx)
- Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle Witenberg, FB Physik, Fridemann-Bach Platz 6, 06108, Halle, Germany (Prof. Manfred Knorgen)
- Prof. of Polymer Physics, University of Chemical Technology Metallurgy, 8, Kilment Ohridski Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria (Dr. Christo Betchev)
- Institute of Material Science & Technology, Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle-Wittenberg, Postanschrift D-06099 Halle, Haussanschrift Geusaer Strabe, Germany (Prof. (Dr.) Ing. Hans-Joachim Radusch)
- Institute of Composite Materials Ltd., University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany (Prof.(Dr.) Jozef Karger Kocsis)
- Institute of Polymer Research, Hohe Strasse 6, D- 01069 Dresden, Germany (Prof. Manfred, Stamm, Dr. Jurgen Pionteck, Dr. Petra Poetschke Dr. Cornelia Bellman)
- CNRS Lab, Laboratoire de Recherche sur les, Polymers, UMR 7581- CNRS, 2-8 rue Henri Dunant, 94320 Thiais, Paris, France (Prof.(Dr.) Francoise Laupretre)
- R&D, Du Pont, Wilmington, Delaware, USA (Dr. Joseph V. Kurian)
- Institut des Matériaux de Rouen, faculté des sciences, BP12, 76801 Saint etienne du rouvray, responsable de LECAP, équipe de l'UMR6522 Polymères-Biopolymères-Membrane, France (Prof. Jean Marc Saiter)
- Laboratoire L2PIC, University of South Brittany, Rue Saint Maude, Lorient Cedex, France (Prof. Yves Grohens)
- Polymers Nanotextures & Nanocomposites, Centre de Recherche sur la Matiere Divisee1B, rue de la Ferollerie, 45071 Orleans Cedex 2, France (Dr. Christophe Sinturel)
- Beijing University of Chemical Technology International Exchanges and Cooperation Dept, Add. No.15 Beisanhuan East Road, Beijing 100029,P.R.China (Dr. Yang Weimin)
- Thermal lab, UIT, University of Paris 12, Creteil Campus, France( Prof. Dr.Yves Candau and Prof. Dr. Abdel Boudenne)
- Department of Chemical Engineering, CIT, Katholieke University of Levuen, Belgium (Prof. Paula Mouldnaers)
- CNRS, Strasbourg, France, (Prof. Dr. Rene Muller)
- Department of Chemsitry, Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha, South Africa. (Dr Oluwatobi S Oluwafemi).
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Katholieke University of Leuven, Belgium (Prof.Dr. Paula Moldnaers)
- Jozef Stefan institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia ( Prof. Miran, Prof. Dr. Uros Cvelbar)
- General Cables, Indianapolis, USA (Dr. Vijay)
- University Technology Mara (UiTM), Malaysia (Dr. Chan Chin Han)
- Institute for Polymer Research Dresden (IPF), Dresden, Germany (Prof. Dr. Manfred Stamm and Dr. Jurgen Pionteck)